Saturday, 15 October 2011

The planning begins!

So I say the planning starts. It started weeks ago. I've started properly costing the trip out and working out where I actually want to go. So far I've got a rough route through Europe and across Asia down to Australia where I sort of get stuck.

Must sort that out.

Basically, I want to go to these places... (once I get past Singapore, it gets kind of sketchy)

London to Brussels on the EuroStar. Antwarp, Bruges. Then Paris. Train to Turin. Milan. Venice. Pisa. Rome. Naples. Greece. Fly to Israel, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Fly to Istanbul. Through Bulgaria etc, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland. Belarus. Moscow.

Train to Beijing

Through China, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia. Thailand. Malaysia. Australia. NZ. Peru. Brazil,Venezuela. Florida... Drive east to west then west to east across the US.

New York, then home.

So that's the plan. No doubt it'll change.

If anyone has any tips or places they think I should visit, please PLEASE comment and let me know...

So. Until next time.... Ta-Ta

1 comment:

  1. I have a few friends that may be able to help you out with the Australasia route. A mate lives in Australia, and another lives in NZ, an they may be able to help :)

