Tuesday, 27 December 2011


So today is the 27th. The day after Boxing Day, which by the way, is the day after Christmas Day. True story pal

I've partially decided to travel Africa instead of North America. What do you think? What do I mean, what do you think? No one knows about this blog... bugger. Erm. I've decided I'll post it on Twitter now. There are a few people from work (guests) (HEY GUYS) who I've decided to give the address to, as over the last five years, it's honestly been a pleasure meeting them, looking after them, and getting to know them. And yes, that was a hopeless plea to keep in touch!

So today, as I said is the 27th of December. Which means, in 7 months (215 days to be exact) I'll be sitting, probably here, packed and ready to go. It'll be a Friday night, and will probably be considering going out in town to see all of my friends before I go. Friends I hear you shout?! Yes. I have a few!

Well this blog is about me travelling, so I shall talk about that a bit more.... Start my jabs in the New Year. I've got to have everything except Yellow Fever (to begin with) and Malaria tablets. Which, I've found out, cost a bomb. I might wait until I leave to start taking them... then, by the time I get to Moscow, I'll have enough in my system to deal with Asia.

Anyone know which tablets will be the best for me? I know there are a few...

Also, social network update. I'm up to 696 followers on Twitter. I'm so popular. I feel validated.

For Christmas I got a journal from one of my friends, it's leather bound and has thick paper. It'll be saved for the best days entries only. Also, I got a lovely wash bag, that'll fit in my bag nicely. Wicked.

I realise I flicked a bit there, but my mind is all over the place.

Think i'll make some cards with the address on this blog, so people don't loose the bit of paper I give them. In fact, isn't a card just a bit of paper. Hmmm... Must think harder....

Anyway, I've got to run and walk the dog..... could run the dog.... interesting.

Until next time



Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Been writing this blog for quite a while and I keep adding stuff to it and deleting stuff.

Basically have a potential travel buddy for Europe. I've worked with her for like 4 years so know her pretty well. However. What if it's different outside of work.

Can't be doing with taking work with me. I'm leaving to get away. What if seeing someone everyday from work reminds me of work, and then in turn reminds me of the reason I'm leaving everyday. EURGH DECISIONS.

Needless to say. Need to think about it. Probably she won't actually want to go either.

That's the problem with travelling for so long. You have to go alone because no one else will go with you. I don't expect anyone to tbh. It's a massive step. Leaving everything behind, and going for a year and potentially never coming back.

I don't think, I hope, I'm getting nervous about going. Well I am. But its still a long way off. I just want to get it all planned now. I'm tired of saying I'm going, and people not believing me.

The question of actually why I'm going has already been explained... Just in case you were all wondering

All done now. Until next time.... Bon soir

Saturday, 15 October 2011

The planning begins!

So I say the planning starts. It started weeks ago. I've started properly costing the trip out and working out where I actually want to go. So far I've got a rough route through Europe and across Asia down to Australia where I sort of get stuck.

Must sort that out.

Basically, I want to go to these places... (once I get past Singapore, it gets kind of sketchy)

London to Brussels on the EuroStar. Antwarp, Bruges. Then Paris. Train to Turin. Milan. Venice. Pisa. Rome. Naples. Greece. Fly to Israel, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Fly to Istanbul. Through Bulgaria etc, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland. Belarus. Moscow.

Train to Beijing

Through China, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia. Thailand. Malaysia. Australia. NZ. Peru. Brazil,Venezuela. Florida... Drive east to west then west to east across the US.

New York, then home.

So that's the plan. No doubt it'll change.

If anyone has any tips or places they think I should visit, please PLEASE comment and let me know...

So. Until next time.... Ta-Ta

Thursday, 13 October 2011

The first of many...

So what does one write in their first post on their first blog. Probably something a little bit more inspiring that this... will try harder in future.

I'm off travelling next summer, (for a year or so) so I've had the urge to start a blog and post stuff now and again so my family (mainly Mother) doesn't freak out when they don't hear from me for weeks at a time.

Just a few other housekeeping items while i'm here. I do this a lot ".....". Like all the time. It's one of my (many) faults.

Someone suggested I write the reasons why i'm off travelling in the first place. Was is my desire to meet new people, see new places and explore new cultures? Well not entirely. Yes is that answer I suppose, all of those things, but also, a desire to get away. To start again. Well no, not to start again, but to move on. That is, to say, to move on from things that I'm not able to move on from while i'm still here.

It's complicated to say the least. And while I say i'm not running from things, from people, from situations, the only way to move on, to be the "bigger" person, is to remove myself completely.

Some people would read that and see something sad, and see that i'm leaving out of bitterness. I'm not. What happened, happened. And i'm a better person for it.

Needless to say, that'll be the only time I ever mention, well, that....

There I did it, did you see it?! The "....". I can't help it....


Right, so. Nine and a half months before I leave, that's my first post done. Is it a post or a blog. A blog within a blog. I don't know. Anyway...

For now

Loves x