Wednesday, 9 May 2012

That's it then

Handed my notice in at work today. Kind of a big step. I've had the job, or should I say, worked there, for five years and while I've lived every minute of it. It's been an experience. And I any wait to leave.

So right now I'm sitting on the phone to the doctors about jabs. They don't seem to like answering their phone very much. In fact, they hate it. This is why I hate the NHS because despite the fact I've already had some appointments, you can't make one when you're there, you have to do it when you get home. What a faf

I'm being boring

So the real question I keep asking myself is am I coming back.


It's the answer, I suppose I want to say. And it's probably what'll happen. Let's face it. I'll be so poor after a year I'll have to come home and have a loan from the bank of Mummy and Daddy.

On the note of money. Took out a credit card today. True story. It's scary. Suppose that means I'm an adult. I don't know.

Must book Russian trains.


Listening to the Florence album right now. I love her so much. It's just cute

So with 83ish days to go, I'm feeling a bit nervous to say the least.

Until next time

(I realised there is a lack of substance in this blog.... Sorry)

Love you all